Ebooks? What's my login to read them?

Do we have access to EBSCO to view e-books? If so, what would my log in details be?


You can find e-books through the Library Search bar on our website: library.sbts.edu

We have purchased e-books from ProQuest and EBSCO as well as other providers.  Your Southern Profile credentials (the same login you use to access other SBTS services: e.g. Canvas) should get you access to our resources. 

Once you are on EBSCOhost's platform, you may choose to create a personal My EBSCOhost account to save your results for later use.  It also allows you to create notes linked to specific e-book pages.  Just click the Sign In link in the top menu bar, then Create a new [personal] account.

Another e-book platform we use, ProQuest Ebook Central, allows you to similarly annotate e-books as well as highlight in various colors.  A personal account is automatically created for you when you access one of our e-books through PQ Ebook Central.


  • Last Updated Jul 08, 2022
  • Views 282
  • Answered By Library Technology

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